As to the graphs above, the idea here is "projected support," i.e. wishful/hopeful thinking on the part of gay marriage supporters. As just one example, if anyone thinks a majority of people in Utah will be in favor of gay marriage by 2020, they're smoking something.

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
what is gods favorite food? what is his favorite football team? what kind of music does he listen to? what kind of jeans does he like? i ask these questions because so many here seem to apparantly know him on a personal basis as seen by their unshakable knowledge as to what gods position on homosexuality is based on nothing more than some silly interpretaion of a fairytail written by man. organized religon makes me sick, its nothing more than an outdated sham in my opinion. if you are able to better live your life as a result of your faith, +1 for you but please stop trying to preach what is right and wrong to me, and for those of you offended by my position, remember that the same freedom that allows you to believe in this stuff also allows me to let you know how ridiculous it sounds to me.

look at all of the problem that religon has brought the world. i would say that other than maybe money, religon is responsible for more death and hatered than anything else. the crudsades, hitlers exterminations, the troubles in ireland, the jewish/muslim conflicts, the muslim/western conflicts, the muslim/hindu conflicts, and the rampant sexual abuse/coverups by the catholic church, just to name a few. my point isn't to go off on some athiest tangant, but more to point out that if the history of organized religon was spotless, i might at least give some credability to those who claim that being gay is a sin, but that is far from the case.

This is a good example of what I'm talking about. The scriptures are just a "fairy tale written by man?" I'd be willing to bet that you've never even read the scriptures. Certainly not in depth. I'd be willing to bet what you know about them comes almost completely from the talking points against them you've heard from other people.

And the claim that religion is responsible for more deaths than just about anything is an old lie from the atheist crowd. If you look at the costliest wars and conflicts through history, in terms of human life, it was over politics and not religion.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.