Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Don't worry, the next case will come sooner than you think. It doesn't make sense that once a gay couple move to another state, they lose their rights. To me, those who are prejudiced against other people having the same rights as they have are screwed up, not the Californians for wanting to recognize gay marriage. To say that the most of states are against gay marriage has no actual foundation. 58% of country is for living and let living when it comes to gay marriage. The rest of xenophobes will surely have to bend to the new laws of the land, as their ancestors did when the slavery was abolished.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Ivy I'm literally laughing, one by one states will approve gay marriage and life will go on. It's inevitable, so you may as well move to Saudi Arabia or something because this country will continue to grow in favor of gay marriage. Ivy I went to school in Massachusetts my entire life and I was 15 when they approved it. Since that time everything's been fine, no ones turning gay, family isn't threatened, and life goes on. In my high school NO ONE gave two shits about people who were gay. What the fuck is the point? We have better things to worry about in life than worrying about a god who may or may not exist and whether or not it approves homosexuality. Morals dont come from god they come from common sense and the evolved human brain. And I'll tell you one thing it makes my day when I see two men or women holding hands without fear of being discriminated against by prejudiced people or religious fanatics.

Both of you are living in denial. Or at least going on wishful thinking. Where do you get the idea that more people in this country are for gay marriage than against it? Heck, the whole reason the Supreme Court is hearing the DOMA case right now is because supporters of gay marriage know they can't win the day in most states.

Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
Saying that homosexuality is against God's will and a sin is the most idiotic thing ever.

Why is that?

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