Originally Posted By: BAM_233
I really can't understand why people can't mind there own lives and always have to bring in religion as there proof that it's not right. The bible was written by men centuries ago, and been changed over time. During the Roman/Greek times nobody was judged having relationships with the same sex.

It just doesn't make sense to stop people from living there own lives because either you don't understand or afraid of them. How would you like it if you can't marry somebody because they have a different religion than you, a different society class, or race? Marriage has evolved over time for the better.

The writings of the Apostle Paul were during those times and he expressly teaches against homosexual behavior. Other prophets did the same in Old Testament times.

It has nothing to do with "not understanding" or being "afraid" of gay people. Again, this isn't so much about gays as about marriage and it being radically redefined. And, no, it hasn't "evolved" over time. It's existed, more or less the same way, for centuries. Only in recent times have some people wanted to change it.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Actually you don't know what the big man thinks about homosexuality if he exists at all. No one can prove anything east. It's all faith, you either have it or you don't. I don't and I'm not burning in hell for it and neither are gays, to condemn them for something they have no control over is wrong plain and simple

You make the same mistake many do by assuming that, because you don't know what the "big man" thinks, nobody does. And there certainly is proof of God's existence. But it doesn't come in the way you would want.

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I do believe that no Church, if it's doctrine states that homosexuality is a sin, should suddenly conduct same sex marriage. However, the Bill of Rights recognizes that we are ALL created equal and that we are guaranteed the right to live a life of liberty and one in the pursuit of happiness. That means that the rights granted to one must be granted to all. If I have the right to marry, then my gay neighbor should also be granted that right. The same 14th amendment that protects me protects all and makes sure that we are all equal under the law. If we're all equal, then why can't everyone marry??

Yes, we - as individuals - are all created equal. But that doesn't mean every relationship people enter into is equal or deserving of the same recognition, rights, or protections.

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Well, the good news is, it seems DOMA is going down. grin Good riddance. grin

The good news is that, even if some or even all of DOMA is "going down," the Supreme Court will leave it up to the states; which I'm perfectly fine with. Californians may be screwed but, fortunately, most of the rest of the country has banned gay marriage.

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