Originally Posted By: XDCX

Ah, the "two consenting adults" line. The stock-in-trade argument of the secular left to excuse just about anything under the sun.

If we want to talk about history, for thousands of years, marriage has always been understood to be between men and women; largely involving the creation of the family unit of father, mother, and children. The very building block of society. Don't give me this "two consenting adults" crap.

Originally Posted By: XDCX
God and religion should have no place in policy making, plain and simple.

Says who?

Originally Posted By: XDCX
It was also written almost 240 years ago, during a time when secularism was frowned upon. A civil right is a civil right, and marriage is a civil right.

Since when was marriage a civil right? People just automatically attribute to themselves certain "civil rights;" God only knows where these come from. Gays have no "civil rights" to have their so called "marriages" recognized and legitimized by society.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/29/13 10:54 PM.

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