Originally Posted By: SnickersMagillicutti
Would you say that the U.S. Families have decided that there is more opportunity to make money in Canada than there is in the U.S.?

I see tons of stuff happening right now in Canada that is not happening in the United States.

Although there are some examples, it's hard to find demonstrable evidence of American LCN involvement in the Canadian underworld. Or vice versa. And people who would bring up Montagna have to remember that, not only was he from the one LCN family that traditionally had a long standing presence there (at least until the late 1990's or so), but he was also born in Canada and was only back there because the U.S. deported him. Their own cities is where the American LCN families' bread is buttered. Not Canada.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.