Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Yes, ok let's say there is no Bible, we throw that out as our moral compass. Lets to with the Big Bang and Science, why do we have different parts? It goes against all the laws of nature. Joe you know me a long time, I've never bashed gays. I just don't feel they should marry legally. I'm not going to get into a nasty debate with you, nor will you change my position. Lets just say I find it appalling I have to explain to my children how men are marrying men and women marry women. When you have one of those conversations Jke then let's revisit the issue.

Joe, if you listen to anything I tell you let it be this. When you have to discuss issues and topics with your children your positions will change. There are so many issues I never even thought of until I had kids.

East I would never tell you how to raise your kids. But I can tell you how I'd raise mine. What's the definition of a moral compass? Discriminating against a group of people based on sexual orientation or supporting their right to be happy? They can't help being gay. People have been gay for thousands of years this isn't some new phenomenon. What's natural is love not the basis for a "moral society" in the 1950s. When I have kids, I'll tell them what my dad told me. "its okay to be gay, there is nothing wrong with it, simply the way people are. And if you were ever gay and told me outright you would not lose my love or care as a father"

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone