Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Both Clinton and Obama are total phonies on this issue. Of course, few people will bring that up here. After all, they do still have a (D) after their names, right? What has happened between the time Clinton signed it into law and now? Did he "evolve" on this issue like Obama? You gotta love how the timing is always just so.

Anyway, it looks like the court may do away with at least some of the law. California voters, after voting on this issue twice, may have their will negated by the courts. Fortunately, I don't live there. I saw a map on the cover a newspaper the other day and the states that allow this absurdity are still relatively few, thank God.

Bubba's backtracking on his greatest failure as President because 2016 Hillary could very well run again, and with the shifting public attitudes on Gay Rights, the Clintons can't have that shit without disowning it now.

(Always despised DOMA, which Clinton signed because he was a pussy and afraid of losing re-election. As a result the Federal government with DOMA created second class citizenship, a "morality quarantine" that violated a core Constitutional principle of federalism. It's remarkable how conservatives have no qualms with big government when it comes to their aid. Irony of course was if the right-wing had supported civil unions, they wouldn't be losing the public war on gay rights like they are now.)

As for Obama, he's not a phoney at all. Pure ignorance to believe this otherwise. Sure in '08 he was "against" it, but he was for it previously as a State Senator. (So his views were "re-evolving" lol.) His method is leading from behind, one step behind public opinion, continually trying to prod it towards his goals. And it's paid off.

Once he got into the Oval Office, he had his administration not even bother to defend DOMA in federal court when the lawsuits came up against it. His Republican Secretary of Defense Robert Gates used those lawsuits to argue for repealing the stupid as hell "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the military. Then becoming the first President publicly pro-SSM in an election year, he put the entire Democratic Party platform and machinery behind it forwards. He won re-election, and that stance apparently didn't cost him a single vote. It's now a popular, opportunistic cause.

DOMA is a tarnished legacy for Clinton, much like FDR interning ethnic minorities (mostly Japanese-Americans) during WW2. No matter how much bullshit polish one can try to put on it, the stain won't come out. And Bubba knows something about stains.

Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
I got no problem with gay people getting married, if they want to do it, let them. As long as they don't go brainwashing the society so they become gay also, till then it doesn't matter to me at all.

How would they do that anyway? People who "become" gay usually are homosexual in the first place.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 03/29/13 09:13 AM.