Ok my thing is, you do what u gotta do. Ppl will judge you but its ur life, ur decisions, and u should accept the risks of that life. In my experience, ive seen tough as nails kids who grew up in mountain lakes who sell roxys and make 70k a yr, i know poor kids who ran with a set in belleville rat on there first pinch. imo, ur income level doesnt necessarily predetermine how tough u are. Ex-all the m lakes kids think boonton is ghetto, kids from boonton think bville is ghetto, kids from belleville think jc kids are all bad ass..... It doesnt mean shit. My thinking is, if ur rich, or even middle class, why go down that road? Maybe ur lazy, or think its glamorous or whatever, idk. If thats the reason i think ur foolish. Maybe your greedy, maybe ur not satisfied making 100k as a doctor or whatever so u make some book, thats ur perrogative, your educated enough to know the risks. Honestly, its one thing for the money, its another for the rush or whatever u get from doing something illegal. Its dumb. If someone comes from a lower income family, its much harder to get a head than someone from a middle class family, or higher. Kids like big angs kid wont ever understand that. Bc even after they flunk out of CSI there still getting checks from their parents. That kids never stayed up saying where am i gonna get the rent, probly never had a job he got for himself. But he sells shit bc he thinks it makes him some hard ass gangster. My thinking is, why do any of that shit if you dont have to? Why stay sleepless from worrying what if the cops come to my door? What am i gonna do with all this shit thats enough to put me away for ten years. Whos gonna bail me out? How will i pay a lawyer? What if one of my customers flips? What if he ods? What if my parents find out? What if they write up some big article about me in the paper? But if you quit hustling, what are u gonna do for tuition? Rent? Car payments? Car insurance? Gas? Food? This is shit no kid whos got wealthy parents sending him checks worries about. Whether he has a college degree or not. I can think of one guy as an example, he grew up in parsippany, good nhood, big house, in the life bc his dad. Honestly u dont see much ppl in there early 20s being with a crew unless theyre somebodys kid or the coffeeboy. Thats mostly how it is with younger guys, you can devide them up, wiseguys son, degenerate/bum/junkie kid, and kid thats poor and can hustle like a car salesman. Most tend to gravitate towards drugs unless they have some incredibly smart friend who convinces them all to make book instead. Bottom line, i dont think it makes a difference, "potential wise", how well off some one was raised, but as far as the overall benefit to be in that life, i just dont see it.