You are missing the point and your pedantic diatribes oftentimes masquerading as the final authority are growing dull. The thread has to do with Carols Marcello and the immense power he wielded in the US. If you want to argue about that, fine. I can promise you that Vito and Carlo themselves never could have sauntered into NOLA and set up the machines.

Yes, when Carlos' star faded, so did the New Orleans family. But stop diminishing a conversation about an unbelievably powerful underworld figure with obvious fact-based statements as you so often do. When a prominent figure declines and has not set up his family for the future, people can in fact monopolize on that. No shit.

I am on board with your constant - albeit borish - assertions that no family in the US rivals any of the New York 5. But I will go toe to toe with you on the power Trafficante/Marcello had combined.