Man, your full of thoughts this week Patrick! :p

If everyone who "can't do good" or wasn't quite making enough could go on welfare, everyone would. What's doing good? Wouldn't we all want a little more?? It's way to easy to go on welfare IMHO, and the system is very much abused, by spongers who don't want to work, people who claim permanent physical injury they don't have and all kinds of schemes to get out of work. It is sad for those that really do need the assistance.

Personally, I do not buy the idea that certain groups of minorities/immigrants, or whoever will do jobs that others won't do. I was a single parent for a number of years, and was fortunate to have a fairly "decent" job, and fortunate to have an ex who was good at paying child support. That measley $300 per month literally put food on the table, as I tried my hand at very creative financing, budgeting practically to the penny, never/seldom having any extras as my entire check went to pay bills, house etc. Now, hadn't I been getting that measley $300 per month for food, you can bet your ass I'd get a second job (or third if necessary)and "Would" clean toilets if necessary and do whatever it took to feed my children.

Welfare simply wasn't an option for me, and even if it was, I would have never qualified for it because I had a job and made "too" much money ha ha..what a joke. Even if it were possible, it would be solely a very last resort. I know pride has much to do with it, and only if I couldn't feed my children would I have tried for it.
Much of my beliefs/feelings I suppose stem from my upbringing with a father who worked sometimes 15 hours a day to provide and would never dream of asking anyone for any help, as long as he was capable of providing.

As far as selling drugs go, I realize that some were raised with parents dealing drugs and thus fall into the life, but whether or not it's what they have been exposed to or brought up with, it's "illegal" and they know that. I don't see where selling drugs and welfare are related. I think it's probably an excuse, but not a good one IMHO.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon