I'm not sure if you realize this, but your average JoeShmo taxpayer pays for welfare. Raising it (and it's only gone down) is not logical. It makes people lazy and makes the lazy...uh, more lazy. Sure, there's those people who just got the bad end of the stick, but aren't those the type that are off before Sam says enoughs enough.

Do you believe a role of the government should be to give out money to those unfortunate? Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. That pursuit is a key word.

The war on drugs is purdy messed up as well. Might it be better to make them legal and tax the hell out of them...

It's all over now, baby blue

Where have you gone Joe 05, our board turns it's lonely eyes to you...
What's that you say Mrs. Stallionete, JoltinJoe has left and gone away...