I recently saw a Michael Moore documentary, \'Bowling for Columbine,\' and it was very good. It's a powerful documentary that questions why America has so many murders with guns than any countries and also has several other points. There are just over 60 murders a year by a gun in the UK. Does anyone know how many there are in the US? Over 11,000. 11,000 people die at the power of a gun each year, but the question is: who to blame?

Is is MTV? Is it the music star you fear your teenage son or daughter will look up to? Is it video games?...The answer is simple: No. Did anyone ever think that the answer to gun violence might actually not be something kids enjoy? Any person that is sane can watch 'Scarface' and not say, "Yo man. I'ma be like Scarface. That crazy nigga was the shit. Let's get some money and pop some bitch ass motherfuckers." Sure, some people take it to the head. Some.

Whenever a shooting takes place that involves a juvenile, the question is, "What led them to do this?" Adults immediately blame the things kids love: "It was the movie. It was that new rap song. It's that God damn video game that just came out. (Let's not mention I was there when they bought it because an adult must be there to purchase a mature rated game with someone under 17). :rolleyes: " It's funny, because some of these things cause violence, but what is it that we call the war in Iraq? How come people never speak of that?

On the morning of the Columbine shooting, the 2 shooters went bowling at a 6 AM. Less than 6 hours later, they went into their school and wounded dozens and killed 12 people, including themselves. How do we know that the bowling they did that morning didn't result in the shooting? The person who was immediately blamed for the Columbine shooting wasn't a respected business man. It wasn't something parents enjoy. He was a rocker named Marilyn Manson. "His lyrics led these 2 teenagers to shoot up their school." Are you shitting me?

Ok, now don't get me wrong here, Marilyn Manson is obviously a weird character and I DON'T listen to any of his music; however, to blame him is absolutely stupid. I have read some of his lyrics, and they're like other rock stars' lyrics today. Did we ever think that this shooting might've been the fault of the parents? Where were the parents at? The kids had 3 or 4 guns, and the father said, "I didn't see him leave with anything that morning." People can look at someone's pants and see if a cell phone or a pack of cigarettes are in their pocket, you couldn't see a fucking TEC 9?

Let me touch on another subject I mentioned earlier. Video games. I think it's absolutely amazing when I hear that video games cause kids and people to be violent. The Grand Theft Auto series, which I assume most of you heard of, is one of the most violent games ever made; however, just like movies, video games have ratings. This game is rated 'Mature,' meaning the person buying this must be ATLEAST 17 years old and have an ID or be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Concluding, the question still remains: who is to blame? It can be a totally different situation for a juvenile and 50 year old person, but to blame entertainment is insane. People who take it to the head should be easily recognized, better sooner than later. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur