
I also agree with alot of what you said. The SAT thing is messed up. I agree with why it was made that way years ago, but I don't believe it should be that way now.

Also about the "everyone is trying to be a 'Black person' or 'gangsta.'" You have to remember that it's not like that everywhere. Reading, PA ,for everyone who doesn't know, (you know I lived there) is a very crime ridden and poor city with overcrowded school systems, not enough police officers, and not enough jobs. The storefront near my Mom's house has been shot up so many times that they haven't even replaced the bullet shot up plastic divider in years.

Pat, I'm not trying to offend you and be like your town bites, I woulden't say this if I didn't experience it myself. I've lived in lots of different cities and Reading was the only one that I was actually afraid of walking around by myself. So I feel like in places like that, people tend to dress "tougher" It's the cool thing to do, therefore your always going to have people judging others on it, it's just human nature. As far as why do Spanish people not get teased, because thier still scene as a minority.

Now that I'm in Florida I swear everyone is a bleach blonde surfer/skater. And everyone who dresses the part and doesnt actually surf/skate are posers, groms, whatever. Basically I just think it's a way for people to make themselves feel better. It's like "Let me make fun of him and all my friends will think I'm funny and tough or whatever.

Like usual I have a lot more I wanted to add, I haven't even touched on the race thing yet, but I'm going to be late for work. Pat, I hope I didn't tick you off by talking about Reading that way.