I don't mean to upset anyone in this thread, so if I do, I'm sorry. Fair warning.


Call me what you want, but I've been waiting to get this off my chest a long time. It seems that the United States of America is divided into 3 different sections. We've got the Whites, Blacks, and Spanish. I was informed the other day that Black high school students are given extra points on their SAT's to get into college just because they're Black. I find this absolutely racist against Whites and Spanish people. We all know what would happen if this were to happen to White people too, it'd be labeled "Racist" right away. Why is that?

Another thing I was thinking about. It seems these days that everyone is trying to be a 'Black person' or 'gangsta.' When people see White people acting, talking, or dressing this way, they're labeled a 'wigger' and/or 'wanksta.' What about people, such as myself, who dress this way because it's comfortable or because we're trying to pursue a Thug Life? Why is it that when a Spanish person starts wearing the same clothing line or talking the same way, nothing is said? Why do they have more of right to wear a long shirt and baggy pants than a White person? Why is nothing said to them that is derogatory?

Now, I want to note that it's not all people. There are plenty of Blacks and Spanish people in the US who have better jobs and are more intelligent than some White people, but this really is a load of shit. It needs to be changed so that everything is equal.

Alright, now if I offened anyone, I'm sorry. You can call me what you want, but remember that my freaking idol is Black. I'm not trying to be a racist, but just stating the facts folks. Until next time. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur