Originally posted by Don Giorgio Gambino:
Pat- How are immigrants supposed to learn a new language when tnhey have to work with two different jobs a day in order to maintain their family. With the little wages they earn they need to work more than the average American worker. They don't have time for recreation, much less to study a new language.
Do you know hard is for an adult to learn any language. I learned English with great facility because I started learning by watching American cartoons at age 4. But when trying to learn French last year, it was harder for me. You can't grasp a new idiom as easily in your adulthood.
You should try learning Spanish sometime, even if its broken. Or any idiom for that matter. Were you aware that if you knew more than 1 language you had a higher intellectual level and a wider cultural knowledge?
You think that all immigrants have 2 jobs? :rolleyes: Give me a break. I don't think the Puerto Rican or Black guy who comes through the drive thru trying to be gangsta and paying with $100 bills has a job, unless you consider drug dealing a job.

As far as learning a language, I unfortuantely HAD to take 2 years of Spanish because 2 years of a language MUST be taken to get into a 4 year college. That is ABSOLUTE bullshit. If I have to learn Spanish, then Spanish should be forced to learn English. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur