Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
By that time the US national debt will be 22 trillion. Their is a real possibility of a total economic collapse on or before that time.

That'll happen when the Rapture finally happens.

As for 2016, I guess Hillary is the favorite for the Democrats. Which is hilarious considering usually its the incumbent VP's nomination to lose, and nobody is giving Joe Biden a chance. Then again, if a black dude with a funny name and thin political career could beat her, I guess Delaware's finest can too.

As for the right wing, Christie? Rubio? Paul? Those 3 come to mind for me. Of that bunch, I consider Christie to be one cadidate the Dems should be terrified of. And no, endless jokes about his weight won't hurt him at all. He's fast on his feet (and not just at the buffet) and actually can be kinda likeable outside of being a CPAC robot which is only popular at...CPAC.