Originally posted by Saladbar:

3) If trends continue, in 25 years Spanish will overtake English as the most common native language IIRC. Assuming that you're a young guy, are you prepared to learn spanish when this happens? After all, it will be the country's de facto "language".

4) Does not having a perfect command of the language mean they do not know politics? When has that stopped anyone before? I know several foreign students that know more about the workings of the US than your average Joe-Blow citizen.
Reply: 3)That's what I'm concerned about. Why should I have to learn a language from people who came into the country I was living in first? (Don't start about 'how we weren't the first ones here) If I went to Puerto Rico or a Mexico and decided to live there, I'd do my best to learn Spanish. If people are moving here from Spanish speaking countries, they should do their best to learn English. If they can't learn English, they don't belong here, just like we don't belong in their country if we can't learn their language.

Reply: 4) I didn't say they didn't know politics. I said an American should know the English language to vote. Do you think an immigrant who can't speak English and has 6 kids and is living on welfare using the checks to buy rims for his car and on expensive clothing knows his politics?

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur