1) Knowledge of basic English is required for citizenship already (except for some cases) and citizenship is required to vote...so what is the problem?

2) Newsflash: The United States doesn't have an official first language. De facto, maybe, but not de jure. And why ONE language? Look at Belgium, they're doing quite well and they have three official languages and several unofficial ones , including English. And Switzerland, South Africa, India, etc....

3) If trends continue, in 25 years Spanish will overtake English as the most common native language IIRC. Assuming that you're a young guy, are you prepared to learn spanish when this happens? After all, it will be the country's de facto "language".

4) Does not having a perfect command of the language mean they do not know politics? When has that stopped anyone before? I know several foreign students that know more about the workings of the US than your average Joe-Blow citizen.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"