Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I would disagree with that Ivy. It's not black and white. There's more gray area when it comes to psychopaths. We have much to gain from studying them. The guys a fucking scumbag and insane, but to the point where he's not even rational. I could care less about whether or not the bastard was given the death penalty, kill him for all I care he'd deserve it. But someone like this, not even the prospect of death scares them. They are just an empty shell of madness. But that's why we need to figure out what causes shit like this, especially in a 17 year old boy.

Who said he's insane? He appears perfectly sane to me. One doesn't need to be a lunatic to commit murder. And the excuse that we should forego the death penalty doesn't really hold water when you realize that the vast majority of these guys are not studied at all. They're warehoused in the prison system, sucking away resources from society, and usually doing nothing to recompense the victim's of their crimes. And while you may theoretically be open to the death penalty, I'm pretty convinced others use the argument you did above simply because they're against it.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/21/13 11:41 PM.

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