Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: XDCX
I challenge you to go through my posts and find a single thing I said that suggests I believe this individual should be forgiven and sent on his way. You can't, so if you don't want me to misrepresent Christianity, then don't misrepresent what I am saying.

I am all for law and order. This person committed a heinous crime, and should be punished accordingly. All I suggested was that people should be so quick to jump to conclusions and call this person an "animal" when they have little to no knowledge as to what made him this way. He was sentenced to life in prison. He can't hurt any innocent people anymore.

You keep bringing up what "caused" him to commit these crimes as if that's relevant to the punishment that should be meted out. He's a murderer who shows no remorse. What else do you need to know? And life of free room and board really isn't justice. He should be sent onto the next world.

Why, because I seek to understand why people do the things they do? I don't condone or justify what he did. I believe he should be punished for what he did. But I'd also like to understand the "why." If that makes me morally defective in your eyes, then I am happy to be that. Although it is strange you question my moral compass when I'm the only one here not advocating MORE death.

I don't have a problem with your desire to know why he did it unless it leads to the usually inevitable desire to not see justice done. You say you believe he should be punished. But your idea of punishment isn't justice. It's not about advocating more death. Society demonstrates how serious a crime is by the punishment it metes out. When we allow a murderer to live, we're are minimizing the importance of the crime.

Originally Posted By: SicilianBabe
As for X and what he said, I understand his point. We have law and order for a reason. You can't degenerate into a lynch mob because what this man did is inexcusable. That's why we HAVE law and order, to prevent vigilantes and lynch mobs. I didn't read anywhere that X wanted him tucked into bed at night with his blanky and a warm glass of milk.

Through the efforts of psychologists and the efforts of the FBI's BAU and their studies into murderers, we have gained a greater understanding of the minds of killers. Not only can this (hopefully) help us to prevent a young and abused child from becoming a killer, but it also helps us catch those who are at large.

That's delusional, pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking. To say that we get anything significant from studying most of these murderers is ludicrous. Most of them simply go to prison, some of which eventually get released (a mockery of justice), and the rest simply live off the law abiding public for the rest of their useless lives. There's usually not even some kind of restorative justice program in place. They just spend their remaining years taking up space, watching TV, playing card, lifting weights, etc.

I would disagree with that Ivy. It's not black and white. There's more gray area when it comes to psychopaths. We have much to gain from studying them. The guys a fucking scumbag and insane, but to the point where he's not even rational. I could care less about whether or not the bastard was given the death penalty, kill him for all I care he'd deserve it. But someone like this, not even the prospect of death scares them. They are just an empty shell of madness. But that's why we need to figure out what causes shit like this, especially in a 17 year old boy.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 03/21/13 10:11 PM.

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