Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
If you actually understood Christianity, instead of misrepresenting it here, you wouldn't be talking about cherrypicking.

To go by your logic, any Christian should be against courts, jails, prisons, parole, etc. altogether. After all, shouldn't all the criminals be immediately forgiven and sent on their way? That's what you seem to be suggesting.

Again, Christians are required by their Savior to forgive their enemies. That's certainly true. But that doesn't remove the responsibility of society to mete out punishment. And it's not contradictory for people, including Christians, to want society to enforce that justice, while at the same time personally forgiving whoever may have offended them.

Thus ends the lesson for Christianity 101 today.

I challenge you to go through my posts and find a single thing I said that suggests I believe this individual should be forgiven and sent on his way. You can't, so if you don't want me to misrepresent Christianity, then don't misrepresent what I am saying.

I am all for law and order. This person committed a heinous crime, and should be punished accordingly. All I suggested was that people should be so quick to jump to conclusions and call this person an "animal" when they have little to no knowledge as to what made him this way. He was sentenced to life in prison. He can't hurt any innocent people anymore.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Your moral compass isn't just defective. It's non-existent.

Why, because I seek to understand why people do the things they do? I don't condone or justify what he did. I believe he should be punished for what he did. But I'd also like to understand the "why." If that makes me morally defective in your eyes, then I am happy to be that. Although it is strange you question my moral compass when I'm the only one here not advocating MORE death.

Last edited by XDCX; 03/21/13 01:00 PM.

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis