Originally Posted By: XDCX
So it's okay to cherry-pick the parts of your faith that you want to follow and those you don't? I didn't know that...maybe I should convert back to Christianity.

If you actually understood Christianity, instead of misrepresenting it here, you wouldn't be talking about cherrypicking.

To go by your logic, any Christian should be against courts, jails, prisons, parole, etc. altogether. After all, shouldn't all the criminals be immediately forgiven and sent on their way? That's what you seem to be suggesting.

Again, Christians are required by their Savior to forgive their enemies. That's certainly true. But that doesn't remove the responsibility of society to mete out punishment. And it's not contradictory for people, including Christians, to want society to enforce that justice, while at the same time personally forgiving whoever may have offended them.

Thus ends the lesson for Christianity 101 today.

Originally Posted By: XDCX

If the shoe fits. Some of you guys make me absolutely sick. You're usually the types who will argue for a murderer to be spared and then turn around and defend abortion. Your moral compass isn't just defective. It's non-existent.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 03/20/13 11:44 PM.

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