Yeah, it's about that time again -- the time where I make a top five list concerning whatever's floating around in my sick little mind. This time; the topic is the top five greatest lyricists and musical writers [lyrics, folks] of all time. The core to music is the meaning, the lyrics, the words -- where it all comes from. The creative impliment in music has always been what's behind the music; "What was in his head while he wrote this?" List your top five here. Your list can contain a solo writer, or a writing team.

1. Jim Morrison -- The Doors
2. John Lennon/Paul McCartney -- The Beatles
3. Kurt Cobain -- Nirvana
4. Robert Plant/Jimmy Page -- Led Zeppelin
5. Robert Smith -- The Cure

Honorable Mentions: Dustin Kensrue [Thrice], Thom Yorke [Radiohead], Scott Weiland [Stone Temple Pilots], Bob Dylan, Conor Oberst [Bright Eyes], Ryan Adams, Geoff Rickly [Thursday], Davey Havok [AFI], Eddie Vedder [Pearl Jam]. There's probably more I'm too lethargic to think of at the moment; though I'll add them as I think of them.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw