i think there's a good chance that an unknown great ape more than likely exists. there are still plenty of areas of mostly uninhabited wilderness out there, and anyone doubting that should just look at the pacific northwest on google earth. mountain gorillas were thought to be nothing more than a myth until the early 20th century, and while technology has obviously increased by leaps and bounds since then, human skepticism has remained.

people always want video proof, and there have been a # of hoaxes over the years, but most people would automatically treat any video evidence as a hoax anyway so its a hard sell regardless. others always wonder why nobody has ever shot one, but rest assured that these same people would raise hell if somebody did.

as for the lack of bodies, there are a bunch of reasons. #1 is that there just aren't that many creatures, and they live in remote area's trying to avoid human contact, so the chance of just stumbling onto a corpse in extremely remote. another theory is that they might be smart enough to bury their dead, i'm not to keen on this one. i think that if they exist, the reason nothing has been found is that bones and bodies just don't last long in the woods. the area that i live in is full of deer, yet i've only ever come across a few skeletons over the years in an area where i will run into deer almost 50% of the time that i'm in the woods, and i'm there alot. time will tell though, so we'll see.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 03/17/13 08:42 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!