Originally Posted By: LCN1987
Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: Viceguy
Just read in another topic Tony's reference to a real life boss (Profaci). Offhand, other than Gotti Sr., I don't recall any other reference to a real life mafioso, past or present. There must have been loads, huh? You guys recall any?

Paulie makes a reference to the Colombo war saying he survived by the skin of his teeth, i think there was reference to Carlo Gambino too.

There were references to both Carlo Gambino and Lucky Luciano. Tony seeks guidance from Hesh about his temper saying "You don't see Carlo or Lucky punching fuckin holes in the wall!".

Yeah that was what i was thinking about. Not a reference but the story of the guy burning the tranny with acid was based on Johnny Dio doing the same to some guy back un the day.