Basically its bc the majority of u are fuckin idiots. It doesnt impress me you can name drop a bunch of guys in chicago. Im only singling out chicago bc we get guys on here all the time saying they know the inside scoop on all this shit. 99% of them are full of shit, and if ur one of the ones who actually know what ur talking about, good for u, still doesnt explain the cheerleader attitude u have for these guys saying they are the most low key, the most influential, powerful, rich..... Ill argue the point about any other family, gang, crew...whatever. Everythings depreciating, theres no money in it any more. You know who have the empires, the vast amounts of wealth? The bookies and the construction companies. Not the bosses. Im not on any high horse. Ive said it already, whatever u gotta do to pay the rent, its your business. Im not even saying chicago isnt a powerful family, im sure it is to an extent, im saying the 2 of u need to grow up. There are more important things than advocating the chicago outfit.

And nicky shut the fuck up