Original geschrieben von: fathersson

WTF- LETS NOT START NAME CALLING- Many good people come from Germany including our last POPE

Thank you fathersson. I don't know why when anybody disagrees with me on political/social issues, they come up with Hitler and that kind of stuff.
I'm not really sure why this little joke caused that kind of outcry. I didn't mean to insult anybody. Just wanted to express that I believe it's pretty irrelevant who becomes the next pope, even for the Catholic church.
Oh, and I don't know why you, pizzaboy, believe that I'm "anti-western world" in general.
One more thing, I've always thought that these are open boards. Whenever I start a thread - in the "general discussion" or elsewhere, I know that people will disagree; after all that's what makes it a "discussion". And pluralism of ideas is part of these boards and our Western societies.