Danito I never let God or religion interfere with my fun. But I never made fun of anyone's religion either.

When I was in tge hospital the first time for leg infection. I had the room mate from hell. It did not take me long to dislike the guy.

My kids are in my hospital room visiting me.

Then a women from another religion comes in and asks me if she could pray for me. So I say sure because I like to cover all the bases just in case.

Then she ask the room mate from hell if she can pray for him. He evidently said yes. I could not see him because the curtain was closed enough so I could not see him.

But I could see the women praying over him. Then all of a sudden she puts her hand over her eyes while she is praying. Then she leaves. As my kids left I asked my oldest son if the room mate from hell did anything while the women was there.

He did not want to tell me because he knows I got a temper. The room mate from hell exposed himself to her while she was trying to pray for him.

I went a little wild on the guy. I told him don't sleep because if you do I will take my intravenous stand and put it through your head one night.

Finally they put him in another room. The day my wife came to get me out of the place. While she was paying the bill I got dressed and visited my former room mate from hell. He was by himself and he was sleeping. Before I left his room I put him into a bigger deeper sleep.

Want to know his religion. It doesn't really matter does it he definately was tge room mate from hell

Only the unloved hate