first of all i want to say j geoff, congratulations on this one. i'm 19 and i started to smoke one year ago. i used to smoke sometimes with my friends or bought them somtimes, but they did last for 2-3 weeks, but since last year i buy them and smoke almost everyday. it depends on where i'm at and what i'm doing. i wouldn't say i smoke a lot. 2-3 a day or 3-4 a day during the week. on weekend it's not like that though. i smoke almost 20 cigarettes on weekends, it can be more sometimes. During holidays i smoke a lot. As i started last summer to smoke too much i tried to stop after i came back from holidays. i didn't smoke for a month, i didn't tried nicorette though or anything else. i just stopped like that. it was ok for me, i didn't really feel the need to do it. but after a while, i started again. i had stress at work and i started to get nervous all the time. so i started to smoke all over again. sometimes when i had colds, (i never smoke when i got a cold) i stopped smoking for a while, even after the cold was gone. maybe for 2-3 weeks, but than i started all over again. i know it's not good for my health, but i feel like it's really hard to stop, when you started once. i used to say i can stop whenever i want, but now i dont feel that way anymore. i mean i can stop maybe for some weeks or a month but i guess i will start again.