The best thing about the Sopranos was the dysfunctional characters anyway. The only thing thats really changed is that the mob are less intimidating than they even were at the late 90's when the series began and they rarely kill nobody anymore.

Once a good writer gets way from that angle of it(which the Sopranos still held onto to a degree) and have the balls to let go of all the cliched bullshit that usually goes along with mob productions then what's left is even better in my view.

You got the decline of guys who once felt like kings, you got mob wannabes and mob wives flaunting themselves for their 15 minutes of fame and you got old mob guys coming out of the joint trying to do shake-downs on businesses and people who don't even know who the fuck they are anymore.

This thing has legs believe me. Look at ol Howie Winter (yeah I know he aint Italian but just an example of an old fuck trying to keep living off an old rep) "Everyone around here knows who I ammad" in a recent extortion case but the guy just weren't threatened by him cos its a different age and people just don't grow up in fear of the mob in their neighborhoods.

Best thing about the Sopranos was comedy right? For me anyway I was laughing my ass off at every night of it. Thats why I'm sure it will come back but it has to have a good writing team otherwise it will be a waste of time.

It has to be realistic with the body count. Everyone starts dropping like flies then I'll switch off. You don't need it, it's all there the sleaze, the paranoia, the modern technology with everything looking like it could be a mini-bug. I mean eating a bowl of breakfast cereal and finding a toy is probably enough to send these guys into a paranoid frenzy overload so psycho have they switched to all this surveillance shit.

Just imagine the breakfast table. The wife is talkin about what shes wearing for the TV interview, the kid is living off a reputation he don't have along with a few local punks, the boss is bustin his balls cos he aint putting enough dough in the breadbasket and his daughter is dating a black fella from a two bit street gang and the poor fuck's having a breakdown cos he thinks everyone in life is either an informer, a leech or a bug.

The possibilities are there, and even better you ask me the Sopranos team should just take it to the next level. A new show altogether though no point bringing Tony Soprano back from the dead. Just make it some real fucked up, twisted shit.

All the mob stuff still goes on, but it's just ten times funnier cos of all the bullshit that goes with the mob life these days. This freak show needs another freak show on TV. One that isn't the mob wives lol

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin