Impressive list, Stern. However, Albert Anastasia was never a member of that gang. It seems he supervised it to some extent just like Nino Gaggi did with the Westies. And nobody can claim Nino Gaggi was a soldier with the Westies, can they?

Just like the Westies, "Murder Inc" was an independent gang with strong ties to LCN. During the 1930s they fought other gangs in addition to whacking a number of witnesses and potential wittnesses who could incriminate Buchalter and other mobsters. That´s why their body count was so high, papers talked about hundreds of killings (which of course is a huge exaggerated number). Some claim that the gang functioned as contract killers for LCN but this seems to be a big misconception. LCN certainly had their own killers, within their own ranks, who did the work when needed.

The myth of "Murder Inc" was debunked in Alan Block´s "East Side, West Side", a book which is somewhat forgotten and, unfortunately, unfairly not highly praised enough. I recommend it to anybody with an interest in reading about the NY Jewish gangs of that era (1930s).

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