This Rat line totally flips the topic but raises, IMO, a far more substantial inquiry. A guy breaks Omerta: is he a Rat or is that an just an internal thing, guy is clipped or put on the shelf.

Look. The salient factor of Omerta is not revealing the existence of the brotherhood. When a guy allocutes, or engages in a proffer session, does he in fact admit to being a friend? I dunno. Do you?

Joe Bonnano and all those other wash-outs on social media reliving their glory days, while not technically giving anybody up, certainly cross a line. Does that make them rats? I think that's best settled by how they're viewed by those concerned: fellow mobsters.

Just how is Jr. viewed by former friends?

Last edited by Viceguy; 03/10/13 06:35 AM.

N..... or no, bastard had balls, shame to kill him...
I got nuthin', I got nuthin...

Coming to bb is like going to the dollar store. You came for one thing, but once in now youse cant leave.