Originally Posted By: cookcounty
the fuck do u think rockford is?

I'm not sure if you understand the definition of the word "rural." Rockford is not rural. And anyway, there's only been one relatively small gambling case there in the last decade.

Originally Posted By: FriedRavioliFarts
Probably 5 -10 guys in Rockford still left? Vending machines, food distribution, gambling, bingo halls etc? Did Marco's group take over gambling there or do I have that wrong?

As I said above, the only case in recent years was when Outfit associates Frank "Gumba" Saladino and 8 other guys were indicted for running a bookmaking operation.

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
i would consider rockford a rural town

OK, I am sure you don't understand what "rural" means.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.