Originally Posted By: JacklynnPetropoulos
Yeah I have pics of JohnJohn Veasey.

John Veseay-YouTube

My new mob poster boy. Fascinates the hell outta me on many levels. A tough guy's tough guy. You can debate his mentality, morality, loyalty, etc., till the cows return, but he belongs in a ninch all to himself.

The most remarkable thing, in my view, is his overcoming a dope habit before being made. That constitutes a tough guy in my book. After having struggled with a similar jones for well over 30 years myself, just hearing that JV beat his own chemical demon, blows me away.

What was his drug of choice (before replacing it with killing people)...anyone know...?

N..... or no, bastard had balls, shame to kill him...
I got nuthin', I got nuthin...

Coming to bb is like going to the dollar store. You came for one thing, but once in now youse cant leave.