Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Vercetti.:
[b] limp bizkit are better than zeppelin
Limp Biskit is a shitty poser band. The lead singer is a wigger. They have no talent, and yes I have listened to them. They are piss-ant and Led Zep is godly. [/b][/quote]Big words DV, I think that Fred Durst is quitte OK and so is the guitarist. OK, they are modern how do you call that what they are playing ... NU-metal or so. I think that there's is nothing wrong with that. I'm a sort of Kiss fan (the early years 1973 up till I was made for loving U, after that it sucks) but the band i used to play in played a sort on NU-Metal aswell so .... modern but not bad.

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