This is difficult but i will try

Top 10 bands:

1: Joy Division
2: My Dying Bride
3: Sonic Youth
4: Kiss (early years 1973 till 1979 after that it sucks)
5: Muse
6: Placebo
7: Metallica
8: The Cure
9: Paradise Lost
10: Motorhead

Top 10 albums:

1: Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division
2: Disintegration - The Cure
3: Alive 2 - Kiss
4: The Origin of Symantry - Muse
5: Master of Puppets - Metallica
6: Love Gun - Kiss
7: The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails
8: Locust Abortion Technichian - Butthole Surfers
9: Dead Moon Night - Dead Moon
10: Like Gods from the Sun - My Dying Bride

Top 10 tracks:

1: New Dawn Fades - Joy Division (later covered by Moby)
2: Love Gun - Kiss
3: A Kiss to remember - My Dying Bride
4: Last Dance - The Cure
5: Faith - The Cure
6: For Whom the bell tolls - Metallica
7: Detroit Rock City - Kiss
8: Epic - Faith no More
9: Holiday in Combidia - Dead Kennedys
10: Ghost rider - Rollins Band

Favorite lead singer: Tommy Victor
Favorite Guitarist: Ace Frehley
Favorite Drummer: Ted Parsons
Favorite Bassplayer: Simon Gallup

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is userfriendly. It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.