Hi, Freddie C....welcome to our little club!!

The possibilities are endless had Duvall been offered the $$$ he deserved to be in GFIII. I am sure the basic plot involving The Vatican would've been the same, but with Hagen around there probably would've been much more interesting interpersonal stuff than what you see with his 'replacement' ... the George Hamilton character. After all, Hamilton was simply a hired advisor, but Hagen was family...and as with GFII, the interweaving and personal history between him and Michael would've filled a gap that Vincent, Mary, Anthony, and that hit lady played by Bridgette Fonda all together couldn't even begin to.

In short...who knows what kind've situations FFC and Puzo would've come up with. We can all make up storylines here, and that'll be lots of fun. But bottom line is with Hagen in there it probably would've been probably been a much better story, and a much better movie.



A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.