Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: fathersson

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?

A very subjective response to that question. There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating. Growing up in the neighborhood, many of the local gangbangers know my family and know me from the area. I grew up with many of them, played on sports teams with them, went to school with them. They see me everyday in a suit and tie off to the office, in a neighborhood where such a sight is not a common occurrence. Let's just say that it is not in their interest to fuck with me given who im with, i mind my business and they mind theirs. Obcourse something can always happen to you or your family this is NYC, theres a bunch of crazies roaming the streets not to mention terrorists itching to attack us on a daily basis. You are not going to be safe 100% of the time no matter what you do.

Only sheep depend on others to take care of them from the wovles out there. I would rather take my chance on myself and be ready the moment I relize there is a problem, not waiting or depending on others

Well it goes without saying that if something were to happen that I would do what I can do (fight, resist) during that time to protect myself while I wait for help to arrive. If you feel that by carrying a weapon such as a gun will make you safer then go ahead nobody is stopping you. Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime. Fact is that crime is near its lowest levels ever in NYC. The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 03/03/13 02:14 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.