Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

AND, I loved Art Carney in The Honeymooners. I know I'm alone here, but I never found Jackie Gleason that funny.

To the moon TIS, to the moon!

lol I know Oli!! I'm in the minority here.

Btw, can you even imagine the outrage of the "To the moon Alice" phrase if it were used today??? uhwhat

Then again, I imagine a show like "All In The Family" (as hilarious as it was) would be big today.

Speaking of All In The Family, during that time, in my family, if my mom, sister or myself didn't quite grasp something or were slow to pick up on something, we'd quickly be called "Edith" by my dad & brothers. lol Of course we'd say to them "go stifle yourself." lol


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 03/01/13 05:59 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon