Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Fosco didn't lose me with the ejaculation claim but with his line about "getting justice" for Campise and Gattuso. I know you hate DiFronzo, Joe, but c'mon. They were criminals themselves who chose that life and got what was coming.

That is a ridiculous idea. They were killed for trying to kill somebody who's hands were likely cleaner than their own.

Must be surreal to be in that position that they were in though.. to know they are likely coming after you!

Funny how some of these guys don't head for the hills. Like Michael (or was it Tony?) Spilotro, he took off all his jewelry and told his wife that if he wasn't back by the end of the night something bad had happened.

Might be a good time to pack up the RV and kids and head for the Bayou.