I think eventually Latoya and Fantasia will make it to the final 3. The 3rd contestant will either be George or Diana. I do think that this year's finalists are much more talented than last year's. We all knew that Ruben was gonna win last year. But it's a little harder to predict this year. I'm so glad that Leah was voted off. She shouldn't have made it to this round. I don't even know why Paula Abdul chose her in the wild card round cuz there was one girl that sang a million times better than her but wasn't selected. I'm refering to Suzy Vulaca. She was way better than Leah. I don't think any of the guys will win it this year. With the exception of George and JPL, I would be really surprised if the other 2 survive the next few rounds. I know that John Stevens is a little different, but how long will he continue to sing like Sinatra and Dean? All in all, it has been an interesting and entertaining season.