Hey beanshooter, i think you mean stigghiola. last year i headed down into the borga veccio in palermo about 7pm on a Saturday night and ate at a little street place called arrusti e mancia.

A guy named michele cooked up the smokiest creamiest stigghiola, which you eat on bread with a beer. just sat on these weird plastic chairs in the middle of a busy, smokey square in one of the poorest parts of town. kids on scooters zipping along the pavement (sidewalk for you americans) and skinny little one eyed kittens eating scraps off the floor. Its a seriously poor, really weird place and at one point a fight broke out and someone threw a porceline vase out a 3rd floor window. half the buildings look like theyre about to fall down, genuinely crumbling, with half the building condemned as being unsafe for habitation and the other half live in. its amazing to think its still europe.

but as an experience of the rougher end of Palermo life, there was no better food to accompany it than stigghiola . if anyone here is ever in palermo, i seriously recomend u check this place out

Last edited by johnnyboysala; 02/18/13 06:16 PM.