I recall seeing a rebel in Cuba who would only blow up a car if he took his own life with it. Michael was awed by such car nobility.

Neri was sure to shoot Barzini in the opposite direction of the car so as not to get and GSR on the paint job.

When Vito was being shot at, the first thing he did was to put his body between the gunmen and his beloved car to protect it from bullets.

And when they were driving Michael to New Jersey, the driver KNEW how rough those Jersey neighborhoods were and that the car wouldn't be safe parked outside a restaurant there, so the driver flipped a hard U-turn on the turnpike and drove all the way to the Bronx where the car would be safe from thieves, vandals and chop-shops.

And Michael was so concerned about his car in Miami that he drove it himself and made his bodyguard ride in the back.