Yes, I did watch the Iceman interviews and it was chilling to say the least. I actually ordered the video and had a friend of mine,who is a psychologist, watch it. He totally agreed with the psychiatrist. He also said something similar to your comment about "cut from a different cloth." His comment was, " he swings from a different limb."

I did do a little "homework" on JF and found basically what was stated in an earlier post about the garbage/trash business and auto dealerships. Also, I did hear that his net worth was between 50-100 million. Is this accurate? Sounds really high.

It just seems to me that with the increased govt. surveillance and the risks involved, these guys, or any person involved in a criminal enterprise, would want to spend their remaining years in a non - restrictive environment.

Anyway, you guys know a heck of a lot about the goings-on in Chicago. Being from East Tennessee limits my knowledge of..........just about everything !

Thanks for the info.