Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
you're full of shit

if you've heard about sarno then you've heard about szaflarski

Of course I know about Szaflarski. He oversaw a big video poker operation but he wasn't in the Outfit's hierarchy, i.e. he wasn't a crew boss or in the administration.

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
So just for clarification there is no difference between "made" or "member" in Chicago?

As said above, whether in Chicago or anywhere else, "made" and "member" are usually synonymous. Especially today. But as I mentioned before, as we saw in the Family Secrets indictment, a guy can be a "member" of a certain crew but not a "made member" of the Outfit, i.e. he hasn't gone through the ceremony. But all that really means is he's an associate who's part of a specific crew.

Ivy I'm playing the lottery tonight, we've agreed twice in a day! Buy a ticket too!

"Because I'm the Boss"

Tony Salerno