People often bring up non-Italians who have the same clout in the Outfit as the Italian made guys. But you'll notice the examples they always give are all long dead - Humphries, Guzik, Alex, etc. Today, there are no non-Italians in the hierarchy of the Outfit.

As for guys who haven't gone through the ceremony but have membership status, I doubt there are many. Joey Lombardo is apparently one but he seems to have had membership status before the Outfit started using the ceremony. There may be some other old timers like that left but probably not many.

I'm also not sure the Outfit's structure today is really that much different from the other families. Some internet charts show this really elaborate, hierarchical structure of an administration, area bosses, crew bosses, street bosses, soldiers, and associates but the information coming out about the Outfit in recent years doesn't really support this. Over the past several years the Outfit has had an acting boss (Marcello and Sarno) or something akin to a ruling panel with DiFronzo, Andriacchi and their North Side crew. I suppose these guys could still be called area bosses because of the geographic area their crews operate in. Below that you have the crew bosses, which is simply another word for captain. And below that are the soldiers. Given the much reduced size of the the modern day Outfit, I question why it would need street bosses below the crew bosses.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.