1. B-Ride Of His Life.

How X-rated pictures of groom and his lover led to a mass brawl at mobsters wedding.

These are the Xrated snaps that sparked murder on the dancefloor at a tallaght-based mobsters wedding last week.
The notorious gangster can be seen in a steamy clinch with a woman he was seeing behind his financees back.
However the criminal illicit activities came to light at the worst possible moment last weekend when his new bride to be was about told about the images and the affair at her wedding reception.

2. Vicious.

A vicious brawl erupted in a posh hotel in the midlands,with two groups of women exchanging punches on the dancefloor.

It is believed the mistress suffered horrific facial injuries after she was confronted at around 2.00AM on sunday when she dissapeared with her lover.The woman was rushed to the hospital after suffering a broken jaw and having lost a number of teeth after being kicked in the face.'A source described the scene as absolutely chaotic,the women did all the damage,it was total carnage,ive never seen anything like it'.

The savage assault is now being investigated by gardai.The mobster is a well known to gardai and is a close associate of armed robber 'Paul Rice'.He is currently before the courts in connection with drugs and weapons charges and has served a long sentence for a serious crime.Following the wedding the newlyweds are believed to have gone their seperate ways and have not been reunited.

Last week,a number of facebook pages where setup by the brides friends.The bride wrote on one 'She is welcome to my husband' another pal wrote 'A**** is a home wrecking whore,dirty damp yoke is probably riddled lol'.The criminal is believed to have gone underground after the wedding and is understood to be back home living with his mother in tallaght.

Last edited by DonMega; 02/19/13 08:06 PM.