Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Scalish
Who is this tool?

Some of these morons that come on here make me wonder. Should we make this an invitation only site?

This has been brought up before, and I ordinarily post something like, It's Geoff's site and that we shouldn't even bring it up publicly without pm'ing him first. But I'm starting to think that it's not a bad idea. And if not, at least have a strict probabtion period for new members.

I agree. Or why not let the new members introduce themselves to the siteowners, before signing on, and tell a little bit about themselves. Why they are here, which aspects of orginized crime thay are interested in, how the interest was born etc. That way, I think, it will be easier to seperate the nutcases from the serious posters who wants to join.

I know I'm not a regular poster, but I think this would be a terrible idea. I have followed on the site for a couple years now, and even though I have only posted a handful of times, I still access the site daily. I enjoy the new topics as well as the older ones. I tried to get on RD a few years back, not with any intention of posting, but just to follow along but its "Closed Books" policy wouldn't allow me to even browse. Now that I have found this site I have no reason to even check RD to see if the books will ever be opened again. Just know that not every new member is an idiot. The knowledge base many of you have on this site is amazing and, in my opinion, should be shared with all who are interested. All in all I don't care what is decided because I'm already in, but just wanted to let some of you "vets" know that you just because not all people post daily like you doesn't mean they aren't enjoying it just as much. Sorry if I overstepped my bounds, now carry on and continue to inform me

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster"
"The only thing I fear in life is death, because I can't imagine the world without me"