i thought i would go through the the gun control measures outlined by the democrats in ny and give my opinion on them...

1. Confiscation of "assault weapons"
i thought they weren't "coming for the guns"? confused

2. Confiscation of ten round clips
see above.

3. Statewide database for ALL Guns
please, someone answer how this will "prevent" anything bad from happening? it serves no other purpose than to make the logistics of confiscation easier as soon as a more progressive(restrictive) gun control law is passed.

4. Continue to allow pistol permit holder's information to be released to the public
anyone in favor of this should just pack their shit and get the fuck out of the country.

5. Label semiautomatic shotguns with more than 5 rounds or pistol grips as "assault weapons”
i thought ten rounds was the cutoff for an "assault weapon" uhwhat and again, what the hell does a pistol grip have to do with anything?

6. Limit the number of rounds in a magazine to 5 and confiscation and forfeiture of banned magazines
so 10 wasn't good enough, better make it 5, how long until 3,2,1 or nothing? as for the magazines, for people who don't know, i can't even think of any semi-auto handgun that holds less than 6 rounds, and i'm pretty knowledgeable about guns. does that mean confiscation of anything which can hold more than 5? if thats the case, this provision is nothing short of a backdoor ban on all semi-automatic handguns.

7. Limit possession to no more than two (2) magazines
again, way to punish and restrict law abiding citizens. if anybody thinks that criminals will abide by this, then i suggest you go over to england, make an appointment with a psychologist, wait the 3 months that it will take under that dreamy state run healthcare system they have over there, and get your head examined.

8. Limit purchase of guns to one gun per person per month
more pointless red tape that again, does nothing but punish the law abiding. notice a theme here?

9. Require re-licensing of all pistol permit owners
so why should people who have already waded chest high through a trench of buerocratic shit be forced to do it again? how does this make us "safer"?

10. Require renewal of all pistol permits every five years
same as above.

11. State issued pistol permits
yeah, lets put more on the plate of a state that can't manage what it already has. kinda like a 6 year old on halloween who has a stomach ache from eating too much candy the night before, but eats even more the next day somehow hoping for a different result.

12. Micro-stamping of all guns in New York State
sounds good on the surface, but seeing as how guns already have serial numbers and its a felony to deface them, how does this help prevent crime?

13. Require licensing of all gun ammo dealers
i'm assuming this is referring just to ammo sales seeing as how gun dealers are already under strict regulation. if it could be done in an efficient way free from all the bureaucracy, i would have no problem with this, but seeing as how thats hardly ever the case, seems like nothing more than more government regulation, pass.

14. Mandatory locking of guns at home
i'm far from opposed to storing firearms in a safe manner, but that all comes down to the individual and their personal circumstances. if my gun is "required" to be locked up at all times, what happens if i need it for protection, the whole point of the 2nd amendment? i know they have some of those small keycard activated quick access lockboxes for handguns, but what do i do if all i have is a shotgun? i guess just hope for the best in the event that something goes wrong. i guess when the politicians talk about "keeping us safer", they are referring to the crooks, thanks!

15. Fee for licensing, registering weapons
what can i say, of course there would have to be a way to generate money out of the whole thing, this is america after all frown

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 02/04/13 05:47 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!