I believe each state should be able to choose it's own laws regarding firearms and which firearms are permitted in their state. Obviously a state such as NY would want different laws then a more firearm oriented state like Texas.

I have no problem with closing up loopholes that allow criminals to purchase guns, backround checks, tightening up the book keeping by all the FFL dealers etc. And upping the penalties on people who bring in guns from out of state, and on straw buyers who get guns for felons is more then fine with me. Feel free to lock all of them up.

It's these blanket bans that piss me off. I've been a gun owner for over 30 years and guess what, i haven't shot anyone yet. Maybe in the future, but so far not one human being has been hurt by any firearm i own.

I hate to talk ill about the deceased but in that last shooting it was the shooters mother who taught her son who she knew to be mentally ill how to shoot and gave him access to her firearms knowing the kid was mentally a basketcase.